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Multi linguistic Audiobook App for Android with Wide Genres of Content

The Idea

The plan was to build a subscription-based audiobook app, where both free and paid content would be offered. Users can get an ad-free experience and listen to their desired audiobook by searching across various genera and languages. 

The Solution

Audiobooks are arranged in the app with their respective genera and language. The in-app purchase feature is enabled for all premium content. Users can subscribe based on a yearly and monthly basis. There is also the option of purchasing any particular audiobook without taking any subscription.

The algorithm within the app has been designed to enlist the content at the top based on user ratings and popularity. The app can also track the total listening hours for each audio content.  

Success Factors

With the rising popularity of online audio-based content, the TalkiBooki app has the potential to be the user’s favorite platform. The main success factor of the app will however depend on the quality of the content and the subscription pricing. The option of buying individual audio content can also help the app gain popularity among non-regular users

Project Glimpse

Technology Stack




node js

Node JS

Feedback from Client

The app got launched with multiple contents that recorded numerous downloads within the first month. The client was able to upload numerous audio stories soon.  

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