Online Ed-tech portal for providing multiple education services and product
The Idea
The concept of the portal is to provide all types of assistance to students of all levels. The portal will have multiple users, including students, parents, and educators. Education service quality is enhanced as all users can interact in a single portal.
The Solution
The portal will have individual profiles for students, parents, and educators, where they can access their respective services in the ed-tech ecosystem. For the convenience of students, they can access all academic content, including books and exam modules. Students can also update their performance, which can help them to reach out to respective educators. The portal also offers a data-driven evaluation system that reaches directly to the teachers and parents.
Success Factors
With the rising popularity of the ed-tech portals that are now used by every major academic institution, the success of the portal will depend on the level of interaction that occurs between students and educators. The content quality will also be a crucial factor for the portal as it can provide the best possible assistance to students.
Project Glimpse
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Technology Stack
Node JS
Bootstrap Framework
Feedback from Client
The Numou education center with this ed-tech portal has solved many of their issues related to student communication.