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Your trusted companion for informed disaster preparedness!

The Idea

Disaster Alert is an essential mobile application designed to safeguard lives and property by providing real-time alerts and information during earthquakes and fire incidents. With advanced monitoring capabilities, users receive timely notifications, ensuring swift response and preparedness. 

The app offers comprehensive data on seismic activities and fire outbreaks, empowering individuals and communities to make informed decisions and proactively mitigate risks. 

Disaster Alert serves as a vital tool in disaster management, fostering resilience and safety in vulnerable regions. Its user-friendly interface and reliable features make it the official solution for staying informed and prepared in times of crisis.


  • One of the significant challenges we faced while developing this application was managing asynchronous responses and latency from the API endpoints, especially in real-time circumstances.
  • Since earthquake and fire incident notifications are urgent, any delay in data processing or receipt could have detrimental effects on public safety. 
  • Furthermore, several circumstances, such as network congestion or server overload, triggered latency issues, which makes it difficult to distribute notifications on time. 
  • By addressing these challenges, Disaster Alert will be able to guarantee the responsiveness and dependability of its real-time alerting system, improving its ability to protect people and property in times of emergency.


  • Firstly, we incorporated loading indicators or progress bars that can reassure users during data retrieval, offering transparency and managing expectations during periods of delay. Additionally, setting appropriate timeouts for API requests prevented prolonged waiting times, ensuring a seamless user experience. 
  • We designed the application to gracefully handle asynchronous responses by implementing asynchronous programming techniques such as callbacks or promises can further enhance responsiveness. 
  • Moreover, optimizing data fetching processes through techniques like data caching or prefetching reduced reliance on real-time API responses, mitigating the impact of latency on user interactions. 
  • By adopting these solutions, the application maintains its functionality and usability even in the face of potential delays, bolstering its effectiveness as a reliable resource for disaster management and public safety.

Project Glimpse

Technology Stack

React Native





Disaster Alert has successfully launched, providing users with real-time alerts and information during earthquakes and fire incidents. With its responsive design, the application ensures timely notifications and smooth operation. Users can rely on Disaster Alert as a vital tool for staying informed and prepared, contributing to enhanced disaster management and community safety efforts.


The clients are delighted with the Disaster Alert application. Its user-friendly interface and timely notifications have significantly improved their preparedness for potential disasters. Disaster Alert has become an invaluable tool in the safety arsenal, and this app is highly recommended to others seeking reliable disaster management solutions.

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