Top WordPress Design Trends

best wordpress design

In this digital era, there is no denying that WordPress rules the web. By far the most popular Content Management System it has been helping businesses to come online. The success story of WordPress could be seen from this simple figure – over 42.9% websites use the WordPress platform. However, the web design industry is greatly affected by industry trends. Technological growth and the taste of the audience greatly affect this trend. If you want your business to stand out in the race, keeping an eye on the latest trends is crucial.

Here, we are going to discuss some of the top WordPress designs ideas that can be visually appealing and provide optimized performance.

Drag and drop Web page:

With the increased usage of Gutenberg editor, the drag and drop design is preferred by many WordPress developers. This also offers an easy way to edit web pages with just a few clicks. More web page builders are adapting to the drag and drop style to match with the rising industry demand. If you are looking to initiate a website with multiple sections in quick time, this style will be best for you without the need of much technical resource.


Minimal Design theme:

The latest SEO norms emphasize on fast loading speed. Hence, minimal design websites are getting popular. When you are looking to provide short and crisp content to visitors, the minimal design theme can help to remove distractions.  


Single-page design:

Along with the popularity of minimal design themes, single-page design can provide the best result. As more than 50% of internet traffic is generated from mobile devices, single web pages can help users to get easy and quick information in quick time even from remote locations. Single websites are also reported to have significantly lower bounce rates.


Augmented and Virtual reality:

For improving the online shopping process more e-commerce sites are focusing on the importance of digital experiential marketing. With AR display plugins and multipurpose themes, it is possible to offer in-depth product specifications to customers. The added VR outlook can also be useful to provide a close to a real-time understanding of product features. If you are selling any gadgets or into the tourism business, you can use these concepts.


Background video page:

Videos are always a better way to grab attention as more content can be fed to visitors in less time. It is also an easy process to ensure people spend more time on your website. The main concern for video pages is the higher data consumption and slow loading time. Nevertheless, with the advent of 5G internet in the coming years, video-based pages will become more prevalent as it can also help to reduce bounce rates.


Asymmetric design:

Alongside minimal design pages, the asymmetric style can help you to highlight an essential part of an image without compromising aesthetics. It can also be effective to grab the attention of visitors in a quick time. If you are looking for some abstract themes to create a unique concept to stand out in the race, asymmetric design can be useful.   


Multi-purpose design:

As WordPress is gaining importance in multiple business sectors, multipurpose theme usage is slowly replacing the niche themes. The best perk of using a multi-purpose design is the inclusion of scalable features that can be used to improve SEO. For e-commerce sites, it is essential to have the scalability to improve the shopping experience.


Parallax Scrolling:

This style is effective for stimulating user experience with better visuals. The theme is built to ensure that users stay a long time on a webpage as more information is revealed by scrolling down a page. The parallax design could increase bounce rate, but it is effective to increase customer engagement among the target audience.


As online platforms are getting more competitive with time, you need to get an optimized design depending on your business and the behavior of the respective target audience. You need to update your website with the latest WordPress trends to increase visibility and stay ahead of the latest SEO norms.


Still not sure how to design your WordPress website? Contact Matrix Media Web experts to get more support today. We can help your WordPress site to match with the latest industrial trends.

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