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Online portal for students to support their assignment and lectures

The Idea

A subscription driven service, which offers a revenue model for the business owner, this portal is designed to be a learning assistant for students where they can find assistants for academic queries and assignments on various subjects. The subscription model permits downloads of readily available and high quality resources.

The Solution

The interactive portal allows students to research in depth, and offers value for the subscription they pay. At the same time, the content management module of the site, allows admins and assistants an opportunity to upload content as well as tag them to relevant topics, with a detailed keyword research facility.

Success Factors

As online educations gain main stream popularity, this portal is poised to be an important conduit between students and assistants by providing the assistance that they would have struggled to get.

As a subscription-based portal, there is also curation of users which ensures that high quality content is shared. User friendly features such as an authenticity checker, easy plan management, sharing of notes and so on allows students and assistants to collaborate as well.

Project Glimpse

Technology Stack




Feedback from Client

Doing business in the newly developed Ed-tech sector with the dynamic portal provided client the opportunity to directly reach to students. The client was delighted with the new website and its subscription based model 

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